Remove Urine Odors from Bathroom Tile

Remove Urine Odors from Bathroom Tile

Although many of us choose to not think about it, the bathroom tile surrounding a toilet can quickly become a hotspot for bacteria and other causes of odors, including urine. While many homeowners may think that simply cleaning the tile with a product specifically formulated for bathrooms will take care of the problems, they often find that, even if the urine is removed, the odor does not seem to dissipate. This lingering effect occurs due to the difficulty associated with removing uric acid crystals that are found in urine that lead to staining and the all-too-familiar unpleasant smell that seems impossible to remove. 

Unfortunately, uric acid crystals are only capable of being removed with an enzyme-based cleaning product. This means that traditional soap and water or strong chemicals likely will only temporarily treat the problem and will not provide extended relief, particularly if new urine is constantly being introduced to the surfaces. Products often need to contain the correct combination of enzymes required to destroy uric acid crystals while also eliminating bacterial deposits that are creating the odor. While we cannot recommend a specific product to help, it is important to ensure the product you are using is an enzymatic formula that can break down uric acid crystals that have settled into the tile. 

Through potty training or just inattentive use, it is easy for a once-pristine floor to become an eyesore that delivers a pungent punch. No one wants their bathroom to smell like a truck stop urinal when guests come over. While cleaning urine splashes or misfires up as soon as possible can help, the liquid may still “stick” to the grout or seep into it and cause prolonged effects without the proper cleaning methods in place. For the best results possible, it is important to eliminate the root cause of the smell by reducing urine splashback that is occurring and protecting your floors from becoming a receptacle for them. 

The Urine Smell Is Gone. Now What?

Once you have successfully removed urine stains and the bacteria or crystals that were causing the problem. It is important to ensure that you are preventing the problem from reoccurring. As a “target for a cleaner toilet”, BowlsEye can keep urine splashback where it belongs. In the toilet! 

Find the Right BowlsEye Product for You 

Preventing Urine Odors

One of the best ways to remove urine odors from bathroom tile is to limit the amount of urine splatter that can reach those surfaces. As an innovative bathroom product, BowlsEye provides targeted support to almost completely eliminate urine splatter that may occur with regular toilet use. And, with the optional support of Ty-D-Bol cleaning tablets, homeowners can rest easy with the added benefit of knowing that their toilet is being cleaned with each flush. It has never been easier to ensure your toilet remains hygienic and smell-free.  

BowlsEye was developed to be easily installed with no tools for nearly any type of home toilet. And, since it is made from durable, antibacterial plastic, BowlsEye not only keeps the toilet and surrounding area clean but also provides self-cleaning technology with each flush to limit the formation of bacteria that could continue to cause urine smells from inside of the toilet bowl. After completing the easy installation process, this unique product will begin working to eliminate unwanted splashback and reduce noise by up to 80% to prevent urine odors from penetrating your bathroom tile, walls or any surrounding items. 

With several product options available in various quantities, BowlsEye is sure to have the perfect solution for your unique needs. From our standard model that reduces splashback to our cleaning model that integrates Ty-D-Bol cleaning tablets, we are sure to have the perfect fit for your unique needs or situation. Do not let urine odors ruin your home’s most used room when you do not have to. Trust BowlsEye to help reduce the problem and keep your bathroom fresh even with extended use. 

Why Choose BowlsEye?

Guy Donohue, The BowlsEye Guy, came up with the concept for this unique product over 20 years ago. Through his belief and faith, Guy decided to put a great team together and bring the BowlsEye to the world. We encourage you to browse our store to find the model that is right for your needs. If you have any questions or concerns, we would love to hear from you. Contact us today or give us a call at (918) 970-2555

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